this woudl be my 5th bag from aquaquest, the first one from back in 2015 and all still going strong. Fantastic construction, the ripstop fabric is real- but the real thing that keeps it from coming apart are the seams. Have had many other drybags with amazing ripstop, waterproofness in the material, but the one thing that ALWAYS fails them is the seam. Some are either glued together, hot sealed, or poorly sewn. But these bags have been with me through beaches of greece and hawaii for summer vacations to snow in NY and Japan for work. I carry everything from clothes and shoes, to 12x19 portfolios of art ( usually 4-5 at a time) and heavy marketing materials and hardcover books. My 13 year old son uses the 25L model for his Jr Lifeguard trips. The material is as rips resistant on the inside as it is on the outside. The simple roll top and buckle feature keeps you form having zipper issues. A simple rule of all design is less is more, the less moving parts and features involved, the less likely it will fail. These bags are just that- simple design, quality materials. This one has an added improvement over the original 30L version with an inside slip that pulls out for easy cleaning and emptying. Also the added inside pocket is a plus! I like simple, but when its on the inside, really appreciate that extra space for organizing the smaller things from falling to the bottom. love it.